#MeToo Gender Issues Today

Karachi Literature Festival 2018

Featuring a series of interactive dialogue session on the ways to bringing together international and Pakistani writers to promote reading and showcase writing at its best.

The festival was organized by the Oxford university press with many co-sponsors.

The session #MeToo: Gender issues today, the speaker were Aurelie Salvaire, Kami Chaoudry and Haris Gazdar sit with moderator Bina Shah.
Bina Shah said, “Pakistan has been ranked the second-worst country in the world for gender inequality for the second consecutive year” .

We know that we have to take respect of every gender because we can see that all the secors are running by women now days.  Aurelie Salvaire said, “I find that there are more feminists in Pakistan’s lower middle classes than in the upper classes. Imagine what would happen if all the women in Pakistan stopped working for one day, the country would be paralyzed. We have so much power but we don’t know it because patriarchy has divided us.”

The session began with a fruitful discussion on Gender issues in our society. People were taking interest in the session because it was very informative and meaningful. Where speakers talk about gender issues facing by every genders in Pakistan.

"A lot of the issues brought up by the me too movement expose not just sexual exploitation but economic exploitation," says Haris Gazdar, adding, ""Surveys reveal that women themselves don't regard their own labour as work."

Kami Sid, a transgender activits and first transgender model said, “I identify myself as a transgender woman. Kami further said that the step towards inclusivity makes Pakistan difference and they are always talking about men and women why they are not talking about men, women and transgender they have to know that there are we do exists.

At the end of the session the audience demanded for more session of gender where people can know more about this and we have to teach the parents to teach their children about the gender issues and how to can we have to treat other genders.